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 Chinkuko Clan

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Posts : 250
Exp. : 20219
Join date : 2010-06-28
Location : Raikage Office

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Chinkuko Clan Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Chinkuko Clan Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)
Life :
Chinkuko Clan Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Chinkuko Clan Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)

Chinkuko Clan Empty
PostSubject: Chinkuko Clan   Chinkuko Clan Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 11:08 pm

[Chinkuko Clan]

The clans routes: in the destruction of all the great lands, the evil forces of the great villages was upon us in a terrible time of war, starvation, rape, and massacre. a group of young ninjas gatherd together in an effort to stop the great villages, the Chinkuko Clan was born.... they developed a special eye techniuqe called the Darkgan, everyone who had formed the clan, men, women, even children of all ages possessed these great eyes, this is when the great villages got nervous. 1 by 1 the villages failed an attack on the Chinkuko Clan till 1 by 1 the Great Villages fell to the mercy of the clan until all the villages joined together and in 1 big swoop knocked the Clan to peices, they were outnumberd 10 to 1 but they fought back bravely and killed over 600 ninjas out of 1000, yet the Clan only possessed 30 ninjas, and 30 civilians.... the great villages beleived the Chinkuko clan was destroyed but little did they know that 10 of the villages decendents escaped the great massacre, the Chinkuko clan lived on, the great villages still do not know about the Clan at this point and time, since then they jump from Village to Village until they find the right one. This Village Is known as the Village Hidden in the Clouds. The Clan Leader talked to the Raikage and Signed a Treaty for the Chinkuko Clan to become a Cloud Village Clan. Later After the Death of the raikage, Shaku Raiken Chinkuko was named the 5th Raikage

Founding |

Hishimaru Chinkuko

Abilities |

the eye technuiqe
1st activation:
Chinkuko Clan 1_710968707l2
kill a person in cold blood is the only way to activate the Darkgan (clans eye technuiqe) the ability of this eye in the 1st stage is to see the oponents next move and control the clans 1st element even if its not their own element) altough it takes a lot of practice to do so

2nd activation:
Chinkuko Clan Bluesharingan
to activate this stage of the Darkgan u must have masterd both technuiqes of the 1st activation. this 2nd activation alows u to control the 1st and 2nd element of the clan with your eyes, this also alows u to activate the Fire jutsus of the clan, this includes, (fire ocean, fire spray, and the most powerful, Chung kushi: Flames of Death)

3rd activation:
Chinkuko Clan Mangekyou-sharingan
to activate u must have masterd the 1st and 2nd activation techneqes and have killed at least a total of 20 people. this is a very powerful technique, it gives you the power to control time with your eyes, also to steal your enemy's Jutsu and gain the same abilities as your opponent, as if you are copying them, taking their jutsu, and abilities then mixing them with your abilities and jutsu, also being able to control time, gives you a huge advantage against your enemys

Eternal Darkgan
Chinkuko Clan Sharingan_wheel_by_neronin1-1
Only the most powerful and skilled Chinkuko clan members have this Eye, it represents the Mastery of the Darkgan (a.k.a. Deathgan) This Eye gives each member a Different eye design (mine is the picture representing the Eternal Darkgan)


Clan Members |

[*][Shaku Raiken Chinkuko]

Clan Jutsu |

Fire style:
1st:fire style: fire ocean- when a ninja uses this he spits out and entire ocean of fire and after he is done using it he can summon it away with a snap of his finger or let it burn out

2nd:fire style: fire tornado- then a ninja uses this jutsu his puts his finger on his mouth and spins around in one spot very fast and a fire tornado forms around him then he jumps out and sends it towards his enemy

3rd:fire Style: grand spray jutsu- when a ninja uses this he opens his mouth as wide as he can and breaths out a wave of fire 1km tall and it keeps going until the user closes his mouth

4th:Chung Kushi: Flames of Death(Chinkuko Clan only)- user activates his/her Darkgan and looks at his/her opponent and forms a ring of Blue fire around their enemy, if the enemy attempts to get out he/she is knocked back into the center of the ring of fire by a invisible forcefeild. the Blue flames then start to close in, eventually burning the target alive.

Lightning style
1st: lightning style: light stream- the user form lightning in his hand (like chidori) and holds it like he/she is using a sword then with a flick of his finger, a stream of lightning shoots out

2nd: lightning style: lightning storm- when a user uses this jutsu he/she brings in rain clouds and with the flick of his arms he/she can control the lightning in the storm

3rd: lightning slash: Lightning X- the user forms 5 hand seals and turnes their hands into 1 foot long streams of pointed lightning, the user then runs towards the enemy and makes a Giant X through his/her enemy

Wind style:
1st: wind style: wind palm- the user slaps his/her hands on the ground and cracks go through the ground and then 200 mph winds come up through the cracks and destroy everything it hits

2nd: Wind Style: Wind shot- the user forms 6 hand seals and then hold his/her hand out and may shoot wind bullet out of his/her hand and or fingers

3rd Wind Style: Wind Storm-user forms several hand seals and aim his/her hands to his/her left and right shooting winds at 150 mph in a circle around his/her enemy and then when the enemy is circled in, invisable wolfs come from the winds and devour their prey.

Water style:
1st: Water Style-Water Clone- this can be done by making the same seal as the shadow clone jutsu but whenever the clone is hit, it explodes sending out frozen needles in every direction

2nd: Water Style- Water Formation-the user forms 8 hand seals and sends several ice swords from his/her palm and it incircles the enemy, if the enemy moves so much as a finger each sword fly towards the enemy at 300 mph so there is no way the enemy can escape

Summoning Jutsu
Summoning style: Wolf storm jutsu- the user summons wolfs made of lightning or fire and use the wolfs to fight his/her enemy

Clan's ultimate jutsu
Darksen- the user puts his hand out as if he's forming the chidori and a black ball apears in his hand and he can throw it at his enemy or run towards his enemy and hit them with it

Time controling ability- user activates their 3rd activation and can control time and take their enemy's jutsu and abilites

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