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 Shaku Raiken Chinkuko

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2 posters

Posts : 250
Exp. : 20219
Join date : 2010-06-28
Location : Raikage Office

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)
Life :
Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)

Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Empty
PostSubject: Shaku Raiken Chinkuko   Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 2:11 pm

The Real Life Ninja World.
This is where it all starts....
Place Character's Name here.
(possible characters that i may use)

Ice Pictures, Images and Photos

Ikazu Raiken Pictures, Images and Photos

Name | Shaku (1st name) Raiken (middle name and nickname) Chinkuko (last name)
Birthdate | July 29th 1990
Gender | Male
Age | 16
Height | 5'10
Weight | 140
Blood Type | A
Kekkei Genkai | Darkgan (a.k.a. Deathgan)
Occupation | Rogue/Akatsuki
Affiliation | Akatsuki
Team | 6

Rank: S-class criminal
Ninja ID: 16984-66747
Academy Grad.Age: 6
Chuunin Grad.Age : 9
Jounin Grad.Age : 13
Clan : Chinkuko
Family : Brother(deceased), Sister(deceased)
Chakra Nature : Lightning, Wind, Fire, Water (not used much), Earth (not used much)

Background : I was born in July, I grew up on the streets with my Brother and Sister, our father and family left us when we were just kids. When i was 6 me and my brother and sister joined the academy, a month later we all passed the Academ exams. We were a team of Gennin, Team 6, we went on missions with our Jonnin all the time, once we even went on an B-Rank mission together. It was our last mission as a team.... it was also the last time i saw my Sister, The Ninja we were sent to capture took my sister hostage, he told me, "you must choose between the girl, or..... your brother" my Jonnin teacher had come up behind him, and stabbed him through his body with a Katana, he did not realize that the ninja also had my sister, the katana peirced her body like a knife into butter, after the ninja holding her hotsage fell to the ground, dead, my sister fell into my brother and mine hands, her last words to both of us were "Go on, do great things with you lives, im a gonner, there's no point in trying to heal me" (my brother was a medical ninja and he was doing medical ninjutsu on her open wound) "Please, dont grow up to be like daddy or mommy, live a great life" (she touched my face and a tear rolled down my cheek, and down hers) "I love you" and then she died, i grabbed her head and pulled it to mine "NO! IT CANT END LIKE THIS!!" i bashed the ground with my fist and started to cry worse "WHY HER?! WHY NOT ME?! KILL ME!!! SPARE HER PLS!!!" we took her body back to the village and buried her, almost all of the village's ninjas went to her funeral. About a month after my sister's death my brother removed all contact with me, he continued on with his ninja life and went on to become one of the greatest Jonnin the Village had ever seen, I myself went on to become an Anbu.
About 5 years after our Sister's death, i ran into my brother at a restraunt, i saw him in a booth eating by himself, i joined him and began a long talk. We talked about my sister, and about our old Sensai. He tells me that he was murderd on a mission, just like our sister was. "why wasn't i told about this?" i asked him "the elder's did not want to tell you because they thought it would interfer with your missions. I would have told you sooner, but this is the 1st time ive seen you in 5 years." he looked at his watch "oh, i gotta go, gimme your contact number, ill go visit you sometime ok?" i looked at him, "that sounds great, ill see you later bro." that was the last time i saw him. the next day after that, I herd that my brother had been murderd, by the Village. The Village called him a "traiter" and said things like "he would have betrayed us if we didnt kill him." and the Village had the nerv, to believe the lies. I went to the Kage mansion to take the Kage's head, and when i got there, i saw 10 men waiting in an Anbush to kill me, I killed all of them and the Kage, i left the village minutes later. news of my killing had traveld fast, I went to the Akatsuki Hideout, and joined them. "I just killed my Kage in revenge for my brother, now they want me dead, pls, let me join you." and they accepted

Appearance : Akatsuki robe, the type of shoes that Deidara has, a Ring on my left middle finger with the japanese version of "White Tiger" inscribed in it, Avatar's hair, Lightning Katana and Wind Katana in their holders on my back

RP sample:
I walk away from the 3 archer towers and wipe the blood from my Kunai, I see a small Village ahead "hmmmm... It's getting late, I could use something to eat and some rest" i continue to walk towards the town, i see 2 Archer towers at the Village entrance and the entrance is guarded by 4 ninjas, 2 on each side '6 in all, if they try to stop me, it wont even be fair....... For them hehe' i think to myself.

I arive at the Village gates to find all 4 ninja surrounding me and not letting me pass "only Akatsuki wear those robes, explain youself!" they demand "why, i dont know what your talking about, im just going to the Hidden Leaf to support the new Hokage" after i say Hokage i start to smile a little "What's so funny?!" 1 of them asks. i look at him still smiling "The fact that you are going to die if you dont get OUT of my way" i reply

"We'll see about that!!" he screams and pulls out a swords and slices my head off. My head falls off my body and the guards starts to laugh. His laughs are soon ending when his suroundings turn completely Black, He notices his fellow guards start to melt, Suddenly he is bolted to a solid wall. "you see, you never want to mess with 2 types of ninja, a Chinkuko Clan ninja, and a Uchiha Ninja, you wanna know why? well ill tell you why, it's because both of these clans posses a Genjutsu that intraps their victim in a different world, bolted to a wall, and what happens in this other world is completely and uterly..... Torture" i walk up to him and stab him in the chest with a katana.

"For the next 72 hours you will be stabbed over and over again by katanas." at the end of the Genjutsu the Guard falls to his knees. the other guards look at me "What did you do to him?!" one of them ask "Why dont you find out for yourself?!" i say activating my Darkgan mastered "No! Stay away!" i then trap all of them in the Torture realm at the same time and tell them the same things. At the end of the next 72 hours they all fall to the ground. The Archers notice and ask me what happend there i look at both of them "Silence" i whisper to myself, both of the Archer's eyes roll into their heads, killing them.

"Now, i can get some food" i walk to a BBQ retraunt and eat there, i walk out and look at the half-dead guards, they are surounded by civilians wandering wat happend "hmmm.... shouldn't have gotten in my way" i say to myself, i walk towards a local INN and rent a room for a night. i walk into my room and go to sleep

(I did this on my way to spy on the 9 tails)

JUTSU:Fire style:
1st:fire style: fire ocean-

2nd:fire style: fire tornado-

3rd:fire Style: grand spray jutsu-

4th: Sage Art- Chung Kushi: Flames of Death(Chinkuko Clan only)-

5th: Sage Art- Grand Wolf Fireball

6th: Sage art- Fire Bending

Lightning style
1st: lightning style: light stream-

2nd: lightning style: lightning storm-

3rd: Sage Art- lightning style: Lightning X-

4th: Sage Art- lightning style: Lightning Death

5th: Lightning style: Chidori Stream

6th: Lightning Style: Lightning Wolf Jutsu

7th: Sage Art- Lightning bending

Wind style:
1st: wind style: wind palm-

2nd: Wind Style: Wind shot-

3rd Sage Art- Wind Style: Wind Storm

4th Sage Art- Wind Style: Sand Dust

5th: Wind Style: Wolf Wind Jutsu

6th: Sage Art- Air Bending

Water style:

1st: Water Style- Exploding Water Clone-

2nd: Water Style- Water Formation

3rd: Sage Art- Drowning Water

4th: Water Style: Water Wolf Jutsu

5th: Sage Art- Water Bending

Earth Style:

1st: Earth Style: Earth Coffin

2nd: Earth Style: Earth Crator

3rd: Sage Art- Earth Bending

Summoning Jutsu: Kaminari ōkami

Summoning Jutsu: Hi ōkami

Summoning Jutsu: Mizu ōkami

Summoning Jutsu: Chikyū ookami

Summoning Jutsu: Eaurufu Ookami

Summoning Jutsu: Kodai no urufu shōkan

Clan's ultimate jutsu

Time controling ability (Chinkuko Clan ability)-
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Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha

Posts : 14
Exp. : 11281
Join date : 2010-06-16
Age : 28

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Left_bar_bleue1000/1000Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Empty_bar_bleue  (1000/1000)
Life :
Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)

Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shaku Raiken Chinkuko   Shaku Raiken Chinkuko Icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 9:17 pm

/Approved but you have to train you jutsus. Topic is being moved to approved character.
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