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 Souru Clan Training Ground

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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
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Join date : 2010-06-13

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Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)
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Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

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PostSubject: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:20 pm

Clan Jutsu


Soul Fist
Rank: C
Type: Kekkei Genkai

The user is able to change both their hand molocules proporties allowing the hand to become energy in other words the hand becomes part of soul , allowing the user to phase their hand inside the opponents body , allowing the user to attack the organ system and skeletal system .

Mind Reading
Rank : N/A
Type : Kekkei genkai

When used by a genin the user can only read few thoughts they easily lose connection with the opponents mind , when used by a chuunin the user can read more thoughts but not a large amount of thoughts , when used by a jounin your able to read more thoughts and for a longer time .

Type : Kekkei Genkai

The user Sends a powerful psychic wave than can confuse a opponent mind and make them dizzy .


Soul Extraction
Type: Kekkei Genkai

The user is able to Extract their own soul allowing them to use their soul like if it were a puppet for combat , doing so the user is able to use their soul to either attack the inside of the opponent body or take over their body .

Soul Removal

The user is able to Remove the Opponent soul , if the soul is able to be remove completely they will die if the soul is not remove completely they will either faint or become physically hurt .

Psychic Blast
Rank: B
Type : Kekkei genkai

The user is able to send a powerful Psychic Blast that can destroy a person mind or cause them to go insane or get dizzy and lose their balance . if used against a genin he/she will die if used against a chuunin he/she will go insane , if used against a jounin he/she will become extremely dizzy .

Rank : B
Type : Kekkei genkai

Using the power of mind reading the user is able to create illusion inside the opponents mind , such as a genjutsu but this illusion are harder to release than a regular genjutsu , and it take more chakra time and chakra to release .

Aura Orb
Rank : B
Type : Kekkei Genkai

The user can Launch a powerful Orb created of Aura that can cause great physical damage .


Aura Repel
Rank: A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

The user is able to repel any object or human or anything that has a Aura Field of energy .

Aura Attract
Rank : A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

The user is able to attract anything that has a Aura Field of Energy .

Aura Negative Blast
Rank : A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

The user is able to send a blast of negative aura , when used on a opponent whose aura is positive their emotions will become good meaning if they are evil their emotions will become good , meaning this force them not to hurt anyone this spell cast will only last a short period of time .

Aura Positive Blast
Rank: A
Type: Kekkei Genkai

The user is able to send a blast of positive aura , when used on a opponent whose aura is negative their emotions will become evil meaning if they are good , their emotions will become evil , meaning this force them to hurt people this spell cast will only last a short period of time . this could be used on a animal to make them insane and attack the opponent .

Future Sight
Rank : A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to see a Sight of the future , Allowing the user to see what’s going to happen next .

Calm Mind
Rank : A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to clam their mind and allows their psychic blast to be stronger and do more damage , it also allows the user to read mind better and levitate bigger objects .


Rank: A
type : Kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to levitate object , Things such as humans with their minds .

Phasing Soul
Rank : A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to become like a soul and be able to phase perfectly .

Force Field
Rank : A
type : Kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to create a force field with the mind that acts like a shield blocking most attacks .


Rank : A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

This move works like a mirror it can reflect any attack or jutsu of B ranks and weaker .

Rank : A
Type : kekkei genkai

This move allows the user to read the Opponent mind and delete any jutsu from their mind for five turns , allowing that jutsu to be disable .

Rank: A
Type : Kekkei Genkai

This Move allows the user to teleport to Mid range locations , and short range locations .

Miracle Eye

Rank : A
Type : kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to Know the Opponent next movement , either ninjutsu or taijutsu or even genjutsu .


Rank : A
type : Kekkei Genkai

Trick is a genjutsu where the opponent view a false movement meaning , lets say the opponent use fire ball jutsu , then the opponent will see chidori .


Rank : A
type : kekkei Genkai

Is a Genjutsu that Causes the foe to fall asleep for 1-turn .

Skill Swap

Rank : A
type : Kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to Swap his jutsu with the Opponent jutsu for one turn ( Kekkei Genkai ) Can't be swap only ninjutsu .

S-rank Jutsu

Rank : S
Type : Kekkei genkai

Cause the user to see his worst fear , not allowing the foe to move for 1-turn .

Aura Destruction Range
Rank : S
Type : Kekkei genkai

Causes all Objects or Things that have a Aura Field to Attract to each other till a large sphere is form that then is Launch at the sky and then is drop down from the sky at great speed , creating a massive earthquake and destruction .

Army of 10 soul
Rank : S
Type : kekkei Genkai

A Army of 10 soul is summon that attack the opponent from the inside .

Soul Swap
Rank : S
Type : Kekkei Genkai

Allows the user to swap his/her soul with any other creature for 3-turns .

Soul Death Ball

Rank : S
Type : kekkei genkai

The user create a dark sphere on his hand that inside has the soul of dead creatures and people and when fired at the foe it will Drain 100 chakra points from them and 100 life points from them , drawback the user loses both his hand for 2 turns .

Sage of the 7 Soul

Rank : S
Type : Kekkei genkai

Each soul has it's own special ability according to the user the current user of the jutsu is the leader of the clan , each soul is store in a orb , the clan leader has a neck less with 7-orb for each soul .

-Soul Of life : Can Drain 50 life points from plants and humans .

- Soul of Death : Can Kill or Numb anything if it phases through . In some cases if it phases through a humans it numbs them , if it phases through a summoning or animal it kills them .

- Soul of Healing : Can Heal any Limps , and recover the user life points 50 points .

- Soul of Extraction : Can Remove other souls from humans or creatures and weaken them physically .

- Soul of Combat : This soul fights like a true ninja , he ill never back-up from a fight it can't be kill , but all it can do is fight and it will only rest when the foe is dead .

- Soul of Time : By Phasing through a human or creature it can see all it's current and old memories and either age the foe or un-age them physically and metally , this will only last 2-turns .

- Soul of Recoveries : By phasing through the user it can recover 100 chakra points and 100 life points , Drawback the soul of healing and the soul of life will Disappears the entire battle .


This clan Kekkei Genkai is powerful and can even be compare to the equal power of the senju and uchiha clan , it has a major drawback , after using more than six or more Psychic attack the user mind becomes weak forcing them to lose stamina and become mentally weak , after using to many soul type attack the user becomes hurt physically , meaning when the jutsu of the 7 soul sage is used the user becomes physically damage , the user stage becomes so severe the user loses 200 life points after becoming mentally and physically hurt .


Draining a person soul recover 50 chakra points , and powers up the user . because the user is able to convert soul energy in forming chakra .
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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
Exp. : 11804
Join date : 2010-06-13

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)
Life :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

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PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:28 pm

Let's train leji .
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PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:30 pm

Im here, are we role playing or like training which one!
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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
Exp. : 11804
Join date : 2010-06-13

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)
Life :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

Souru Clan Training Ground Empty
PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:34 pm

We Are Training , RP .


Shin : So my student is here let's begin , take your shoes and shirt off we are about to do some special training today , i will teach you how to control your kekkei genkai .

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PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:44 pm

Leji: Yes sensei!

Leji takes his shoes an shirt off. He is now just wearing training pants he brought from home!

Leji: Special training I hope it makes me stronger!
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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
Exp. : 11804
Join date : 2010-06-13

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)
Life :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

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PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:49 pm

Shin : You look a little weak for a ninja , you sure need my training you sure did put on a little weight . So your going to work 10 times stronger than before so get ready give me 100 push ups and 600 sit-ups , I then want you to punch this tree 100 times and kick it 400 times then when your finish , come and look for me in the forest . * Poufs *
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PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 10:02 pm

leji: Cruel ass training. well if it makes me stronger i'll give it all I've got!

Leji gets on the ground an starts doing push-ups really fast, when he got to 90 he got breath-less an struggled on the last 10. Leji stayed on the ground an flipped over an started doing sit ups. Leji was very tired at 200, an desided he needs to get stronger! Leji threw sure determination did the remaining 400 After one hours has passed!

Leji: Too tired

Leji then falls to the ground. Thinking of what his sensei would say if he seen him in this state! Leji gets up and see's the tree he starts punching it! After 30 hits the tree starts cracking. Then leji starts sending a barrage of punches very fast at the tree hopping it would break! After 75 it broke.

Leji: "Well sensei did say 100!"

Leji jumped on the falling tree an start hitting it some more untill he was done.
Leji sweating and tireless. after 3 hours since sensei disapeared leji was kicking another tree an was just reaching the end of the training!

Leji: Yea 400 can't wait to tell sensei!

Leji then falls to the floor. He starts to crawl. Leji then climbs up a tree with the chakra he still has, an he starts running off the tree's looking for sensei!
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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
Exp. : 11804
Join date : 2010-06-13

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)
Life :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

Souru Clan Training Ground Empty
PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 8:30 am

Shin : His a strong kid to be able to complete my first stage training . let me not honor hem so much , In fact let me show him the true power that hides in his blood , I remember the day that I was such like him and i became insane with power i was called the clan hero and today I’m the clan leader and i will show the senju , uchiha ,fuma clan who we are and how strong we are why I’ am the sage of the 7 lonely souls and sage of fuuinjutsu .

One day leji-kun my student will fallow my steps , it looks like his getting close .. he made it .

Shin : Good work leji , you ready for your next training method well now that your tire ill make you even more tire . A orb found in my necklace begins to glow it then cracks and what seems to look like aura , suddenly takes the shape of the soul of a ninja it begins to get cold as the soul of combat has been summoned one of the lonely souls has been unleash , this soul is bound to fight and wont back out unless your dead it can't be killed , is tireless the only way to defect this soul ..... well you will have to find out .

The soul begins to move close towards you and it begins to kick you and continuously punch you in different patterns every time this soul also represents great stats in other words great speed and strength .

why this is the perfect soul the perfect soul for combat it wont back or chicken out it's bound to fight and it will do anything to protect me but what will happen it he fails to protect me that’s all I can tell you about him good luck defeating the lonely soul of combat .
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Posts : 2
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Join date : 2010-06-21

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PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 3:01 pm

Leji already tired found his sensei. After a few words it got cold an a soul came out the neckless sensei always weres. Lots of punches an kicks hit leji after the soul is relesed.

Leji: How am i suspost to defeat a soul? This makes no since an im already tired. Why is this training next?

Leji is still being punched and kicked an is trying to dodge but the pattern of the attacks is making it very hard to dodge!
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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
Exp. : 11804
Join date : 2010-06-13

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)
Life :
Souru Clan Training Ground Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Souru Clan Training Ground Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

Souru Clan Training Ground Empty
PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitimeFri Aug 13, 2010 7:02 am

Shin : The only way to defeat the unstoppable is to hurt is most powerful position in this case that would be me .

that’s all ill tell you . Now show me your true talent leji .

A true souru can't be tire they are warriors of the souls and minds .

if you focus your mind an soul you can do anything .....
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PostSubject: Re: Souru Clan Training Ground   Souru Clan Training Ground Icon_minitime

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