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  Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission)

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Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha

Posts : 14
Exp. : 11283
Join date : 2010-06-16
Age : 28

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
 Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission) Left_bar_bleue1000/1000 Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission) Empty_bar_bleue  (1000/1000)
Life :
 Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission) Left_bar_bleue1500/1500 Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission) Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)

 Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission) Empty
PostSubject: Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission)    Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission) Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 5:36 pm

I was sitting in my office when a very important person walked in he room. He was being held by to guards. They old me that he said that it was urgent. But they did not belive him. I then told the guards to put him down. "Do you know who this is. Please i apologize for there actions. They did not really pass the academy but they are big enough to guard. So Ichimaru what brings you here". " On my way to research an ancient ruin i discovered a very powerful weapon along with an armor that was about the same strength. I have seen the armor somewhere before so i was not that intersted. But the weapon that i found next to it was very deadly. So deadly that who ever weilds itcan destroy the whole world. I come to you because i have a very strong feelinng that word of this has reached our village so bandits will very well attack me. I ask you can you give me protection". auotimaticly i answer yes. "Oh thank you , thank you. For your reward i will give the armor that i found. Please use as much force as you think you will need just to take me there alive." I then say "Don't worry i the right people in mind. As long as your here i suggest you stay by my side at all times. I will have ANBU on patrol too. Such a powerful weapon in the wrong hands could end in tragedy."
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Guide Important Person To Village (S-Rank Mission)
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