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 Role Playing Guide

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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
Exp. : 11806
Join date : 2010-06-13

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Life :
Role Playing Guide Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Role Playing Guide Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

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PostSubject: Role Playing Guide   Role Playing Guide Icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 12:22 pm

"Welcome to NR "
-NR: Means , Naruto RPG

-How to Role Play

"Role Playing is Known , as the art of Playing as a custom made character , Here in NR role playing is one of the many wonders of this Forum , How do we role play is a easy question , To role play you need to be familiar , With the Ninja Starting jutsu .

If your Element is Lightning


If your element is water


If your Element is Wind


If your Element is Fire


If your element is Earth


If you choose Taijutsu


If you Choose Non-Elemental Ninjutsu


E-rank ( Everyone get's the E-rank jutsu , and your starting jutsu according to your chakra nature )


-Before you Can Begin to Role Play

-Before you can role play you have to Know the fallowing Things.

E-rank jutsu ( Use 5 chakra point )
-The replacement or Change of Body Stance Technique ( Can only be used once per Battle if your a genin rank ninja for every rank you go up you can use the jutsu one more time , Meaning a Genin goes to chuunin so a chuunin can use the jutsu 2 times )
-Here is a list to Understand this

-Genin ( 1 Time )
-Chuunin ( 2 times )
-Jounin ( 3-times )
-Kage ( 4-times )

-How much Chakra each jutsu use in other words cost .

E-rank jutsu ( 5-chakra points )
D-rank jutsu ( 10-chakra points )
C-rank Jutsu ( 20-chakra points )
B-Rank jutsu ( 30-Chakra points )
A-rank jutsu ( 40-chakra points )
S-rank jutsu ( 50-Chakra Points )

-Understanding Each Rank

E-rank : s one of the six classifications. It is followed by D-rank. It is used exclusively when classifying jutsu intended for Academy Students. A number of E-rank jutsu must be learned before ninja can graduate, and are only difficult in the sense that students may not have learned how to properly control their chakra. With time, E-rank jutsu like the Body Replacement Technique become second nature for seasoned ninja.

D-rank : is one of the six classifications. It is preceded by E-rank and followed by C-rank. It is typically used when classifying jutsu intended for ninja of the Genin level. D-rank jutsu are often one of the first jutsu a ninja will learn after leaving the Ninja Academy. ( Starting Jutsu )

C-rank : is one of the six classifications. It is preceded by D-rank and followed by B-rank. It is typically used when classifying jutsu intended for ninja of the Chūnin level. C-rank jutsu are often one of the first jutsu a ninja will learn that require some amount of training.

B-rank: is one of the six classifications. It is preceded by C-rank and followed by A-rank. It is typically used when classifying jutsu intended for ninja of the Jōnin or Chūnin level. B-rank jutsu are typically useful and can be learned relatively easily with enough time, such as the Shadow Clone Technique.

A-rank : is one of the six classifications. It is preceded by B-rank and followed by S-rank. It is typically used when classifying jutsu intended for ninja of the Kage and Jōnin level. A-rank jutsu are often very useful, but need extensive training before they can be mastered. Some A-rank jutsu also pose a risk to the user, resulting in their classification as kinjutsu

S-rank :s one of the six classifications. It is preceded by A-rank. It is typically used when classifying jutsu intended for highly experienced Jōnin and Kage-level shinobi. S-rank jutsu are almost always unique to a single user, and as such are trademark abilities of that user.

Who can use what Rank of jutsu

-To be able to use certain jutsu , you need a certain ninja rank .

E-D-C rank ( Genin )

E-D-C-B-A rank ( Chuunin )

E-D-C-B-A-S rank ( Jounin )

E-D-C-B-A-S rank ( Kage )

What Does each ninja rank mean

Genin : Genin (下忍; Literally meaning "low ninja", Meaning (Viz) "junior ninja") are the lowest level of ninja and also the ones that display the most difference in power.

Chuunin:Chūnin (中忍; Literally meaning "Middle Ninja", Meaning (Viz) "Journeyman Ninja") are ninja who are qualified to watch over and guide other ninja. Chūnin have reached a level of maturity that primarily consists of leadership skills and tactical progress.

Jōnin (上忍, Jōnin; Literally meaning "High Ninja", Meaning (Viz) "Elite Ninja") are generally highly-experienced shinobi with great individual skill who serve as military captains

: A Kage (影; Literally meaning "Shadow") is the leader of one of the five most powerful Hidden Villages and generally are also the most powerful ninja in their respective villages

-What you need to Know About the Kages

The Hokage (火影; Literally meaning "Fire Shadow") of Konohagakure.
The Kazekage (風影; Literally meaning "Wind Shadow") of Sunagakure.
The Mizukage (水影; Literally meaning "Water Shadow") of Kirigakure.
The Raikage (雷影; Literally meaning "Lightning Shadow") of Kumogakure.
The Tsuchikage (土影; Literally meaning "Earth Shadow") of Iwagakure.

-How Many Elements Can a Ninja Have

-It depends on your rank , here i will give you a list .

-Genin ( One chakra nature )

-Chuunin ( Two chakra nature )

-Jounin ( Three Chakra Nature )

-Kage ( Four Chakra Nature )

Special Rank

In the ninja world their are some special rank , that will allow you to do somethings

Anbu : The ANBU (暗部, Dark Side), short for Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (暗殺戦術特殊部隊, Special Assassination and Tactical Squad; English Version: ANBU Black Ops), take orders directly from the Kage, performing special high-level missions, such as assassinations and torture

-Anbu Can Learn : E-D-C-B-A rank ( jutsu )
-Anbu Can Have : 3-chakra nature

sanninThe Sannin are widely regarded for their great skill and power, each one has the level of being a Kage in their own right; each has been considered for the position of Hokage.

-Sannin Can Learn : E-D-C-B-A-S rank ( jutsu )
-Sannin Can Have : 4-Chakra nature

-Limits & Learning jutsu

-A Ninja needs to have a limit amount of jutsu , it would not be possible to have 10-20 s-rank jutsu .

"We don't put a limit to how many jutsu you need to have , we rather allow user to use common sense ."

How to Learn a Jutsu ( Training by your Self )

To learn a jutsu you need to Know the Fallowing

-To Learn a D-rank jutsu ( 150 word post )

-To Learn a C-rank jutsu ( 500 word post )

- To learn a B-rank jutsu ( 1,000 word Post )

-To learn a A-rank jutsu ( 1,500 word post )

-To Learn a S-rank jutsu ( 2,000 word post )

How to Learn a jutsu ( With a Sensei )

-To Learn a D-rank jutsu ( A Training topic with 5 post each post with 150 words or more )
-To Learn a C-rank jutsu ( A training Topic with 10 post each post with 200 words or more )
-To Learn a B-rank jutsu ( A training Topic with 15 post each post with 250 words or more )
-To Learn a A-rank jutsu ( A training Topic with 20 post each post with 300 words or more )
-To Learn a S-rank jutsu ( A training Topic with 25 post each post with 350 words or more )

Where to Train & Learn Jutsus

- You can train & Learn a jutsu in the Fallowing forums

Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigTraining Taijutsu

Come here to Train taijutsu .Taijutsu techniques are the body and hand to hand skills of the ninja. Taijutsu techniques do not require hand seals. Instead the ninja will train their body in different forms of fighting. A ninja can also use their inherent Bloodline abilities when doing Taijutsu techniques. Clans such as Hyuuga can utilize their ability to see the inner chakra channels of their opponent and then stop the flow, or utilize the Kaiten technique to form a protective barrier by releasing chakra from their body.
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigTraining Genjutsu

Come here to train Genjutsu .Genjutsu techniques are the illusion techniques of a ninja, they normally require hand seals. Genjutsu will use hypnotism to cause hallucinations in others. By causing such illusions they can cause their target mental pain and suffering just as real as physical hurt. Genjutsu is created when a ninja extends their chakra flow through the cerebral nervous system of their opponent to control their minds chakra, thereby affecting their five senses. To combat the effects of Genjutsu, there are two options. The first option is for the ninja to stop the flow of chakra in their body, and then apply an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the casters chakra. The second option is to have an outside ninja unaffected by the Genjutsu make body contact, and use their chakra to disrupt the casters flow.
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigTraining Ninjutsu

Come here to train ninjutsu .Ninjutsu techniques are the secrecy and skill techniques of a ninja. Ninjutsu techniques normally require hand seals of some form.
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigTraining Fuuinjutsu

Come here to train Fuuinjutsu . Fuuinjutsu techniques are the Ninjutsu sealing techniques of the ninja. They allow the ninja to contain the elements and demons
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigDoujutsu Training

Come here to train Doujutsu . This subcategory is not one of the main skill arts. This jutsu ability stems from the unique qualities of the users genetics. Doujutsu techniques involve jutsu ability found inherent in the eye that do not involve hand seals. Doujutsu techniques have several abilities. It gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. It also gives one the ability to cast jutsu techniques only possible by possessing the eye. The primary users of Doujutsu are the Uchiha Clan, the holders of the Sharingan eye.
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigSenjutsu Training

Senjutsu (仙術, Sage Techniques) refers to a specialized field of jutsu that allows the user to sense and then gather the natural energy around a person. Senjutsu practitioners can then learn to draw the energy of nature inside of them blending it with their own chakra (created from spiritual and physical energy within the shinobi), adding a new dimension of power to the Sage's chakra, resulting in the creation of "senjutsu chakra" (仙術チャクラ, senjutsu chakura).

Where can i obtain weapons , items , Scrolls .

-You can purchase them in the fallowing forums .

Shops TopicsPostsLast Posts
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigWeapon Shop

All type of weapons like puppets , Kunai can be Purchase here .
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigClothe Shop

All ninja clothe can be Purchase here .
Role Playing Guide I_folder_bigItem Shop

All type of healing & chakra scroll , medicine can be purchase here .

-One Last things Before you can Role Play

No god modding

Whats God Modding
"God Modding" is in essence when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. And example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try. -It can be killing or injuring a character without the player's express permission. -It can be when they simply can’t be hit and dodge all attacks or anything for this matter aimed at them. -It can also be using other characters that other people RP with. In other words, if you do not RP as Legolas, then you cannot have Legolas say anything, or do anything, without the player's express permission. The absolute worst is when they make out another character to be what they’re not, just to make their own character seem superior. They make others seem weak, screaming for help, when they’ve made it quite clear about their advantages and strengths. This is called power-play. It’s a strain of God-Modding, but instead of just being irritating, it’s offensive to boot.
This is a prime example of God Modding:

Player A: Punches Player B
Player B: Dodges attack, grabs Player A and throws him. Player A flies at Player B, who warps behind him and slashes Player A in the back.

-Battle Post Range
-In a battle your post has to have a great range of number of words.

-Genin Post ( Battle ) 150 words
-Chuunin Post ( Battle ) 200 words
-Jounin Post ( Battle ) 250 words
-Kage Post ( Battle ) 300 words

-Anbu ( battle ) 250 words
-Sannin ( Battle ) 300 words

Ninja Rank Chakra and Life

Chakra : 150
Life : 200


Chakra : 250
Life : 400

Chakra : 500
Life : 800

Chakra : 850
Life : 1,500

Chakra : 500
Life : 800


Chakra : 850
Life : 1,500


Academy Ninja Stats


Genin Ninja Stats


Genin Elite






Jounin Leader




Anbu Leader









~If you mainly Focus on Ninjutsu you get one point up in that area for example your a genin and you get 1 point for ninjutsu Now you get 2 points , but you lose a genjutsu point meaning you would have 0 genjutsu point

Another example if you would be a Sennin and you would be a ninjutsu master you would get 5 points in that area but only 3.5 in genjutsu , because it drop one point from Genjutsu ~

If you are a Taijutsu Master your taijutsu/Strength /Speed increase one point - but your Stamina/Ninjutsu/genjutsu drop one points.

If you are a genjutsu master your genjutsu/Stamina increase 1.5 points - but your ninjutsu/speed drop 0.5 points.

If you are a ninjutsu master your Ninjutsu/Speed increase 1.5 points - but your genjutsu drops 1.5 points .

If you are a Medical Ninja your Stamina/Strength increase 2.0 points- but all your other stat decrease 1.5 points .

How Stats Work

In a battle stats will help you, lets say your having a battle and your speed is 5.0 but your target is 4.5 , meaning if your target would run towards you can escape him with speed but if your speed would be lower he would trap you .

Another example

In a battle you Punch your target and your strength is 3.5 but your target strength is 4.5 , his punch would out-match yours or any physical attack .

Another Example

If your genjutsu stat is 4.5 and your been attack by a person who stats in genjutsu are 2.0 , your genjutsu will win towards the target.

Another Example

Let's say your a Ninjutsu master of 5.0 stats and your target ninjutsu stat is 4.5 , and you come after him with chidori and he also comes after you with the same level of chidori a lv5 , but because your better at ninjutsu your lv5 chidori
will overpower the targets lv4 chidori.


Increase the Damage point of all wind style jutsu ( 10 points )

Increases the Damage point of all fire style jutsu ( 10 points )

Imcreases the Damage point of all Thunder Style jutsu ( 5 points ) increases the user speed stat 0.5 points.

Increase the Damage point of all water style jutsu ( 5 Points ) increases the user life point 100 points.

Increase the user Stamina 0.5 points and the user strength 0.5 points decreases the user stat speed 1.0 points .

What you need to Know about Chakra Natures

There are five basic types into which the nature of chakra can be transformed, called the Five Elements Nature Transformations (五大性質変化, Godai Seishitsu Henka). These five types are also called elements and are not only the origin of the names of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, but also the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu.[3] The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.

These elements allow for elemental ninjutsu to be performed:

Fire (火, Hi) natured chakra allows for Fire Release (火遁, Katon), which is strong against Wind but weak against Water.
Wind (風, Kaze) natured chakra allows for Wind Release (風遁, Fūton), which is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire.
Lightning (雷, Kaminari) natured chakra allows for Lightning Release (雷遁, Raiton), which is strong against Earth but weak against Wind.
Earth (土, Tsuchi) natured chakra allows for Earth Release (土遁, Doton), which is strong against Water but weak against Lightning.
Water (水, Mizu) natured chakra allows for Water Release (水遁, Suiton), which is strong against Fire but weak against Earth.
Basically, this means that if an elemental jutsu is put against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the jutsu with the superior nature will prevail. However, a jutsu with a weaker nature can overpower a jutsu with a stronger nature if the former is of a higher level.

In general, every person has chakra that has an affinity towards one of these types, a characteristic that seems to be genetic, since whole clans sometimes share the same affinity. Most members of the Uchiha clan, for example, had an affinity towards the Fire nature.
To find out what affinity someone has, pieces of paper made from a special type of tree (that are grown and fed with chakra) are used that react to even the slightest hint of chakra in any of a number of ways, depending on the nature latent in the chakra.

The Chakra Paper reactions are as follows:

Fire: the Paper will ignite and turn to ash.
Wind: the Paper will split in two.
Lightning: the Paper will crumple up.
Earth: the Paper will turn to dirt and crumble.
Water: the Paper will become wet/damp.
This affinity makes it easier to learn how to create and control the nature in question, although even with an affinity this process will usually take any number of years. Shinobi are not limited to the nature they have an affinity to, though. By the time they reach the rank of Jōnin, most shinobi have mastered two natures. However, because of the difficulty of mastering a nature and the time required to learn it, it is almost impossible to master all five natures in a normal way. However, people who are born with the Rinnegan possess all the elements, while Kakuzu got them by stealing the hearts, and chakra, of others.

Advanced Chakra Natures

Besides the five basic nature types, there are several more advanced types. By using two basic types simultaneously, one can create a completely new nature with unique properties, and is referred to as a "elementally-recomposed nature type". Doing this requires a special ability and such abilities are rarely seen outside a kekkei genkai.

So far, eleven natures have been shown:

The Ice (氷, Kōri) nature, used by Haku, is created by simultaneously combining the Water and Wind natures. This nature allows for the use of Ice Release (氷遁, Hyōton) ninjutsu. Ice Release has been shown as being resistant against Fire Release.
Yukigakure-nin were able to use a different kind of Ice Release, by drawing on already-existing ice, snow, and cold. This was not a kekkei genkai, as Kakashi could copy one of these techniques with his Sharingan.
The Wood (木, Ki) nature, used by Hashirama Senju, Yamato and Danzō Shimura, is created by simultaneously combining the Earth and Water natures. This nature allows for the use of Wood Release (木遁, Mokuton) ninjutsu.
The Lava (溶岩, Yōgan) nature, used by the Four-Tailed Monkey and Mei Terumī, is created by simultaneously combining the Fire and Earth natures. This nature allows for the use of Lava Release (熔遁; 溶遁, Yōton).
The Crystal (結晶, Kesshō) nature, used by Guren, is possibly created by simultaneously combining the Earth nature and another unspecified nature. This nature allows for the use of Crystal Release (晶遁, Shōton) ninjutsu. (Anime-only)
The Blaze (炎, Honō) nature, used by Sasuke Uchiha, originates from the flames of Amaterasu and allows the use of Blaze Release (炎遁, Enton) ninjutsu. It is unknown what this nature entails.
The Storm (嵐, Arashi) nature, used by Darui and stolen by Hiruko, is possibly created by simultaneously combining the Lightning and Water natures. This presumed nature allows for the use of Storm Release (嵐遁, Ranton) ninjutsu.
The Boil (沸騰, Futtō) nature, used by Mei Terumī, is created by simultaneously combining the Water and Fire natures. This nature allows for the use of Boil Release (沸遁, Futton) ninjutsu.
The Dust (塵, Chiri) nature, used by Ōnoki, is possibly created by simultaneously combining the Earth nature and another unspecified nature. This nature allows for the use of Dust Release (塵遁, Jinton) ninjutsu.
The Dark (冥暗, Meian) nature, stolen by Hiruko, allows the use of Dark Release (冥遁, Meiton) ninjutsu. It is unknown what this nature entails. (Movie-only)
The Steel (鋼, Hagane) nature, stolen by Hiruko, allows the use of Steel Release (鋼遁, Kōton) ninjutsu. It is unknown what this nature entails. (Movie-only)
The Swift (迅速, Jinsoku) nature, stolen by Hiruko, allows the use of Swift Release (迅遁, Jinton) ninjutsu. It is unknown what this nature entails

-Your Ready to Role Play

Example of Role Playing

ninja a

Quote :

Both Fire and wind Combination was a Smart Combo To used , But a sage like me should not have problem with Weak Range Jutsu , I simply Activate The First branch Of the Kagegan ( Eternal Byakugan ) , And I used ( Phasing Moon : Perfect Phasing ( Lv.3 ) , The water under me seems like a Lv.3 jutsu ,a Jutsu of the same rank should not give me any problem as a counter move , so i Phase Through The water Till My Body Was found Under 50 feet’s of Layers of Soil , I Then Phase back Up Again as I realize The water Evaporated in contact with the Flame Ball , Releasing a Smoke Screen around the Battle Field , Giving me Time To prepare for my Next Attack and increase The rate of my Foes Next Attack To be Invaded


Jutsu Used ( Phasing Moon : Perfect Phasing ( Lv.3 ) , chakra used ," 30" Ninja Rank Chakra 2,000-30=1,970 Remaining Chakra

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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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Age : 29
Location : baltimore maryland

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Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Role Playing Guide Left_bar_bleue1000/1000Role Playing Guide Empty_bar_bleue  (1000/1000)
Life :
Role Playing Guide Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Role Playing Guide Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)

Role Playing Guide Empty
PostSubject: Re: Role Playing Guide   Role Playing Guide Icon_minitimeSun Jul 04, 2010 6:14 pm

i have some ideas for the natures for example the swift release is a fusion of lightning and wind because wind is speed intensified by lightning

dark release is a fusion of earth and water

steel release requires 3 natures fire,earth, and wind fire and eath make magma the wind will cool the magma down and create steel

dust release will be fire and wind sort of like that one technique burning ash cloud which is fireed dust

and i have some new nature ideas

the plasma release which is made with fire and lightning they will have powers of the plasma style like beams,cannons etc.

and since my natures are fire,wind,and lightning wouldnt i be able to use the plasma release, and dust releases?
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