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 Night, Alice, Marry.

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2 posters

Posts : 4
Exp. : 10418
Join date : 2010-06-17

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Night, Alice, Marry. Left_bar_bleue150/150Night, Alice, Marry. Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)
Life :
Night, Alice, Marry. Left_bar_bleue200/200Night, Alice, Marry. Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)

Night, Alice, Marry. Empty
PostSubject: Night, Alice, Marry.   Night, Alice, Marry. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 10:41 am

The Real Life Ninja World.
This is where it all starts....
Alice Marry Night.
Night, Alice, Marry. 6087_r10

Hello, I'm "Desii or Alice." I am "17." I have been role playing for Three Years and Six months. I will be ACTIVE/NOT ON MUCH. And I think "Alice:) jk, Shin.!" Is Really cool!

Name | Alice Marry Night.
Birthdate | November 27.
Gender | Female.
Age | 17
Height | 5'4
Weight | 110
Blood Type | AB-
Kekkei Genkai | --
Occupation | Candy Store Owner.
Affiliation | ---
Team | ---

Ninja ID:
Academy Grad.Age:
Chuunin Grad.Age :
Jounin Grad.Age :
Clan :
Family :
Chakra Nature :

Background :
Alice, the youngest and only girl of her family, and she grew up as the princess, she was very loved, and enjoied this, she was always happy, and never sad, she got everything she always wanted, her brothers would kill if it would make her happy, she loved him deeply, and always enjoied being with him no matter what, she had fun with almost everything she got to play with there was nothing that could make her mad, she loved her life, and everything in it. But, after her parents died, Alice changed, and became what seemed to be, different person, this wasn't something anyone seen coming, Alice, always got what she wanted, and with her family being rich, she was able to get it, but once her parents died, the money was taken away, and put into a trust fund, her brothers, getting it before she did. Alice has to wait till she is 20 years of age, before she can touch it. Her brothers, now getting along, take care of Alice, and anything she wants, or needs she most likely gets, but at times, they do say no if it isn't something she'll ever use again.

[The past]
When Alice turned 10, she ment an east side boy, she fell fastly inlove with, her brother, Zander, dis-liked the family he belonged to, when Zander found out about what she was doing, he forbid her to ever see him again, of course, Alice, loving her family, and her brother['s] very much, did as she was told, never seeing him again, it broke her heart, for she didn't want to do it, but had to. It was very upsetting after the first three months. After the third month, James, Alice's other brother, heard about what Zander had done, and was very upset that Zander would put his wants before Alice's, James and Zander had gotten into a fight over it. Neither happy with the other. Zander, mad at James for saying what he had, and James mad at Zander for telling Alice was who she was, and wasn't allowed to be with.
Alice's 12 birthday, was a great day, her brother's made up, and everyone was happy, Alice had her family back, and she once again felt the love she needed...

When Alice turned 15, her family went out for dinner, not knowing what would happen when they came home that night...
The night Alice and her family came home, they had seen the door wide open, and a van in the drive way, her father, moved fast, and went into the house, seeing what had happened, they heard screams, and her mother moved in after, a bat in hand. Alice was standing at the front door, and watched her mother be killed.

Appearance :
[Pic. But heres an parah on it anyways.]
Alice has long, blonde hair, with purple eyes. She stands at 5'2, weighting 100 pounds. She has a body of a dancer, with a some what large bust, and long legs, she mostly wears dresses, normal, or child like, she loves the way they feel on her tiny body, and the loseness. Alice, does at times, wear pants, and shirts, but this is only to sparr with, she will wear a lose shirt, that is tight where her wrists, waist, and neck are. Her pants are black, again, only tight at her waist, and ankels.


Combat Skills:
(Text Here )

Summoning Technique:

(Text Here )

( Text Here )

RP Sample:
Quote :
Alice got out of bed, yawning as she did. Slowly, she rubbed her eyes, groaning at the sun that shawn into her room, covering her eyes, she hissed, getting out of bed, Alice walked over to her closet, and opened it, looking for something to wear, after a few mintues, Alice found something, and threw it on. Walking down the stairs, Alice looked around, yawning more."God... I'm always bored here."She though to herself and jumped the rest of the way down the stairs, looking around again."Zander?"She called, getting no answer, she deiced to call for James."JAMES!?" Still no answer. Alice growled, and walked over to the living room, looking around."What.. Why are the lights out?"Alice groaned, and flicked them on, selding her eyes from the brightness, seeing her brother and sister laying on the ground, sleeping. Alice laughed, and screamed loudly, waking them up."Good morning sleepy heads."Alice smirked, and ran out of the house...

Alice stood at the front of the mannor, yawning."HELLLLLO."She screamed loudly, laughing at the same time. Knowing no one was going to answer her, so it was pretty dumb that she called. Then she heard screaming, coming from the forest, Alice moved her hand to her neck, making sure that the cross was there."Ah, good."She whispered, and ran down the yard, and into the forest, looking around."HELLO?! ARE YOU THERE?"She screamed, looking around fast, hoping she wasn't to late. Then she seen a little girl, and a... Her eyes glemed in anger."Hollow..."She muttered, and ripped the necklace of her neck, as it fourm into her bow, and she shot the arrow into the thing's neck, making it fall.

This template was made with alot of yelling, key bord slaming, and swearing, Love, joy, and happness. Please do not try to take this app. This was also made [Coloring, fonting, ect.] By, Alice, a friend of the sites owner.
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Shin Fuma

Shin Fuma

Posts : 52
Exp. : 11806
Join date : 2010-06-13

Character sheet
Character Sheet :
Chakra :
Night, Alice, Marry. Left_bar_bleue2000/2000Night, Alice, Marry. Empty_bar_bleue  (2000/2000)
Life :
Night, Alice, Marry. Left_bar_bleue2500/2500Night, Alice, Marry. Empty_bar_bleue  (2500/2500)

Night, Alice, Marry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night, Alice, Marry.   Night, Alice, Marry. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 10:46 am


As you role play in the forum and Obtain Exp. you can edit your character and add . whats in strike.

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