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 Akatsuki Mission (1)

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PostSubject: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 8:19 pm

I walk into the Village from the gates and look around me, this village was very unusual compared to the other Villages "[b]Hmmm.... very unusual people in this Village, I should rite this information down" I pull out a small hand-sized notebook and start to rite. I finish and start to walk towards the center of the Village. "I need to look around the Kage's mansion and figure out their defences, im sure that their defences will be rock based so i should use Lightning style Jutsu" I silently say to myself. I look at the mansion and soon realize high rocks and rocks blocked my Damm like structures. I am sure that they are forms of traps. I continue to walk towards the Mansion, i pause for a moment, I see a building behind the Mansion that is highly decorated and has the symbol "Earth" inscribed on the side of the building. I look around it and I see 4 small towers about the same size of the building, I take notice and see that each tower has 1 man in it. I look in the information book about this Village's Ranking system to find out what ranking ninja they are. I soon find out that all 4 of the ninja are the Anbu, dressed as Jonnin. "Hmmm.... I shall take out them from a distance, Taijutsu will be no use against them, I should try Ninjutsu and Genjutsu 1st" I speak quietly to myself. I look at the Village for a moment and look for places to hide after my mission's objective is done. I then look towards the Building behind the Kage Mansion once more. I quickly bite my finger and quickly summon a small wolf that appears on my shoulder.

"Why have you summoned me Shaku? You have not summond me in a long while, are you having trouble with something?"

"Yes, I have a new mission, I must eliminate a certain group of elders in this Village, I will need you to help me during it, I have very little information on their traps and their Jutsu, all I know is that most of the Village's ninja's are Earth Style users, and What ranks most of the ninjas in this village are. This is were you come in, I will be using mostly Lightning Style Jutsus against these ninja so i will need you to tell me what Jutsu to use and when to use them, since you are the expert on the Rock Village out of the 5 Grand Master wolfs."

"Hmmmm.... So you just need to use me huh? Whatever I shall help you out, you are our founder after all."

"Good, lets get going" I start to walk towards the Elder building behind the Kage mansion.
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 9:13 pm


suddenly 5 Iwagakure ANBU spot a man with an Akatsuki cloak they suddenly sprint to him and land 5 meters in front of him as one of them says

"who are you! whats your buisness Akatsuki!?"

the other 4 ANBU have one of there hands each touching the handle of there katana on their back and are prepared to do handsigns with there free hand
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 9:59 pm

"It is simple really, I am just coming here to do research" I look at the 5 Anbu, how they found me this fast i will never know. I look towards the tiny Wolf on my shoulder, and ask "What do you think? which one should go first?" I patiently await an anser, finally i get what i waited for

"Clearly the one that asked you the question is the leader, I think he is you main target. *closes eyes for a brief moment* The leader is an Earth Style user, and 2 others are also Earth Style, 1 of them is Water Style and the final one is Fire Style, I will try to calculate a decent plan to help you win, until then ill hide inside you clothes *crawls into clothes*"

"You better come up with a plan that wont get me killed" I chuckle and look at the ninjas. I pull out my 2 Chakra Katanas from their holders on my back and shine them in the light to show the word "Kaminari" on one of them and stainless steel as the color of the other "Why don't we try to use some Taijutsu and then lets do some Ninjutsu eh??"

I raise my Lightning Fused Chakra Katana and point it at the lead ninja. I run towards him at lightning fast speeds. I make hands seals 'Lightning Style: Lightning Slash X' I Thro my Wind Style katana into the ground and slash a giant 'X' into the Lead Anbu, i turn around, Grab my Wind Style Katana and make a few hands seals 'Sage Art- Wind Style: Sand Dust' I use my katana to blow up a gust of wind, sending sand into all of their eyes. I throw Both of my Katana into the ground and form hands seals, i reveal my Lightning Gauntlet and point my arm towards the lead ninja, I brace myself. Three beams of Lightning Form in my palm, and one after the other the Lightning balls shoot each Earth Style Anbu almost killing them. I jump back after grabbing my 2 katanas and wait for the response attack
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 10:30 pm

all of the ANBU stand up from your attacks including the leader the leader takes off his vest and chain mail showing himself barechested "gah this armor is no use now good thing they withstood the impact though everyone attack!

leader ANBU: earth style: stone spear!" the leader forms a large spear of earth in his hand and throws it at the Akatsuki ninja aiming to stab him

ANBU 1: earth style: dragon mud bombs!" a large dragons head made from mud emerges from the ground firing mud balls at the ninja aiming to bunt him "ANBU combo now!

ANBU 2: understood fire style: dragon flame bombs!" the ANBU takes off his mask revealing his face and blasts fire bombs from his mouth at the mud bombs turning them into balls of magma

ANBU 3: water style: water dragon missile!" the ANBU fires a water dragon at the foe aiming to flood him

ANBU 4: earth style: stone spear! " like the leader the other ANBU forms a spear made of earth and throws it at the foe aiming to stab him

the man is surrounded the one stone spear is attacking from his back the other stone spear to his front the water dragon from his left and the dragon flame bomb dragon mud bomb lava bomb combo from his right he wont leave without damage
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 11:09 pm

I look at my surrounding attacks I close my eyes for a brief moment, I then reopen them revealing my Eternal Deathgan. "Prepare for the Worst!"

*whispers strategy into Chinkuko's ear* "That's what you need to do, it's the most logic strategy to use" *hides back in clothing*

I use my Eternal Deathgan (永遠の死) I quickly use my ability to slow time down, but I do not stop it completely. I look around and see all of the incoming attacks. I start to utulize the strategy
1st- I duck quickly and let the Rock Shards hit each other and crumble to peices.
2nd-I look at the Water based attack and form handseals 'Fire Style- Fire Stream' i put my hand to my mouth and shoot a stream of fire at the Water Evaporating it.
3rd- I use my Eternal Deathgan's ability to copy my opponent's attack. 'Water Style- Water Dragon Missile' i shoot the flaming mud-balls with the water and extinguish the flames.
I then resume time at it's normal speed. I look up at the 5 Anbu "Is that all you've got?" I ask, I then deactivate my Eternal Deathgan and form handseals 'Sage Art- Lightning Style: Lightning Storm Release'
A giant Cloud comes over the area and starts to rain. I flick my arm towards the Water Style Anbu, a Bolt of Lightning comes down from the storm aiming to shock him. I notice that the rain has created puddles around the Anbu, i stop my control ability and form hand seals 'Lightning Style: Lightning Stream' I point my fingers towards the puddle the Anbu are standing in, I shoot a stream of lightning into the puddle, aiming to shock the 2 Rock Anbu to death (not the Lead Anbu)
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 11:17 pm

the lightning hits the water anbu but suddenly...poof it was a waterclone as the water anbu was standing next to the clone as for the earth anbu they simply jump above the puddle then do a hand sign both of them use the same technique

both earth anbu: earth style: mud wall!" the anbus remove there masks and spew mud from there mouths and form a wall of mud over the electric puddle and stand on top of it leaving them unharmed

water anbu: water style: sword of draining!" the anbu makes a sword made of water in his left hand and takes out his katana in his right hand and charges at the akatsuki aiming to sever his head

fire anbu: fire style: phoenix immortal fire technique!" the anbu fires small scatter shot fireballs aiming to bash the foe

leader anbu: my turn! earth style: stone spear!" the anbu forms another spear made of earth and puts it in his right hand and his katana iin his left hand and charges at you aiming to slice your spine

you cant escape again the fireballs are at your left the water anbu at your front leader behind you and the two earth anbu on your right try to dodge by moving right the earth anbu will get you
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 11:31 pm

"hmmmm.... You guys don't give up easily, starting to think i should step it up a notch and start my summonings"

I see the Water Style Anub coming for me, as he aims for my head i quickly dodge and take his water katana, I then use it to extinguish all of the Fire Style Anbu's Fireballs. I look at the Water ninja and grab his arm, i swing his right arm over his left arm, making him drop the kunai, I then wrap my legs around his head and his right arm and trap him in a Triangle choke. The Anbu quickly fades into sleep I jump up and look at the Lead Anbu, I grab his arm holding the stone spear, I twist it forcing him to drop it. I then grab his other arm and bring it over towards his other arm, aiming to stab his un-used arm, I then take both of his arms and wrap them around his own body, I then grab him from behind and pull his body over my shoulders, thus breaking his shoulder blades, and into the standing stone spear which aims to peirce his side stomach. I look at the 3 remaining Anbu and await for an Attack (AND YES THE WATER STYLE ANBU IS KNOCKED OUT AND THE LEAD ANBU IS INJURED TO BAD TO CONTINUE
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 11:39 pm

leader: ugh.....

the water anbu is unconcious as the leader is to injured to fight let alone evenm move his arms now only the two earth ninja and fire anbu are left

earth anbu 1: earth style: dragon mud bombs!: the user fires small mud bombs at the foe from a mud dragon

fire anbu: fire style: pheonix immortal fire tehcnique!" the anbu fires a scatter shot of small flames at the foe what chinkuko doesnt see is that the anbu hid shuriken within the flames aiming to burn and slice him

earth anbu 2: earth style: bute futa!" a large dimensional hole appears over the Akatsuki and a large iron plate with the image of a boar on it flies downward aiming to smash the foe to bits as the mud bombs aim to bunt the foe
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 11:53 pm

I see the Mud balls coming towards me, I dodge each easily and form handseals, I hold out my arm as if summoning chidori, but a black ball forms in my hand, i activate my Eternal Deathgan so that My body can handle the enoughmass pressure being put off by this Jutsu, I look at the 2 Earth Anbu and Dodge the 2nd Earth Anbu's attack, after I dodge i jump over towards the 2 Giant Mud walls and between the two I shove my Jutsu into the ground, making it explode and send the 2 Anbu ninja flying in different directions, I Form hand seals and open my arms, 'Sage Art- Wing Style: Controling Wind' I control the wind coming from my arms. I swipe the flames out with 1 swing and swipe the shuriken down with another swing, I then look up at the 2 Rock ninja and grab then with the wind. I throw them towards the Fire Style Anbu. I deactivate my Jutsu and start a new one 'Fire Style- Fire Ring' I open my mouth and shoot flames at the Fire Anbu, instead of hitting the Anbu head on it circles around him trapping him. The 2 Earth Style Anbu come flying from the air and hit the ground beside him. They do not die but, Both of them have broken bones and eternal bleeding. I look at the Fire Style Anbu's eyes and Activate My Eternal Deathgan, I then form into an Ancient Martial Arts fightning stance and wait for a return attack
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 11:56 pm

the anbu give up only one anbu can move they know fighting anymore is useless
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 12:02 am

I spare the Anbu's life "Lead me to the Elders and maybe i will not kill you" i tell him in an angered tone and then I walk towards him
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 12:15 am

yes sir! they lead him to the elders location "this is where he is at"
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 12:15 am

yes sir! they lead him to the elders location "this is where he is at"
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 12:22 am

"hmmm.... Loyal..... I could use some spies and henchmen to help me out with my work, interested? err... after you all get recovered" I say to the ninja, I then start to set up explosives around the building and await an anser from them
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 12:41 am
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 12:52 am

"good" I start to walk away and i press a button and suddenly *EXPLOSION* the Elders are dead and me and my new henchmen are out of the village
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dragoon master dj
dragoon master dj

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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Mission (1)   Akatsuki Mission (1) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 12:53 am

mission completed locking
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