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 Real life cheat codes.

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PostSubject: Real life cheat codes.   Real life cheat codes. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 9:21 am

Stop: Stop: Play. Skip advertisements in movies and go strait to the movie.

Dial 0 during most automatic menu phone systems to be taken to operator to route your call. also, mashing buttons may work as well. Whenever you have a voice automated phone system, typically saying "representative" gets you someone right away.

keep a spare car key in your wallet/purse. If you have a bulky Key that won't fit in your wallet, get a key made that doesn't have the electronic chip on it. It will still unlock the car, it just won't start it. changed by popular request

Riding a bicycle will save you lots of money on gas, parking, medical bills, and gym memberships.

If you are speeding and suddenly up ahead see a cop that clearly just tagged you, slow down and wave to him/her. Your odds of being pulled over are quite a bit reduced.

Don't be rude, but NEVER answer any cops questions when they call you in for questioning.

when getting lectured into voice mail, hit 1, pause momentarily. If you aren't put through immediately, hit *, pause. Finally, hit # if neither 1 or * worked. It is called the 1-star-pound technique, and it works for all cell carriers.

If your credit card magnetic stripe starts to get worn from use and being in your wallet, and doesn't always read in the card reader, you can use the plastic bag trick. Put the card in a plastic grocery bag and then swipe it. Not sure why it works, but it does.Taking it further though, you can simply apply a piece of quality cellophane tape over the mag stripe for a "permanent" plastic bag trick.

At the end of your shower turn the water really (or all the way) cold. This will wake you up and get blood flowing.

Macy's credit cards usually have a 20% discount on purchases. I pay with the Macy's card, then while still at the register, I immediately pay off the charge with my debit card. I just got 20% off my purchase and I never get a credit card bill. - this also works with JCP and kohl's cards.

How to eliminate late movie rental fees: Acquire late fees, call and tell them you lost the movies, they wipe the fees and put the cost of the movies on your account. Bring the movies back saying you found them, they wipe the cost of the movies, and now your account is back to zero. this can work in other situations such as libraries as well.

Turn it off, then on again.

Buy things out of season, this can save you money. Unless its food, then buy it in season.

When you have forgotten someones name, simply say : "I'm sorry, but what was your name one more time." They may act offended, but when they give you there first name you simply reply "No, I meant your last name." (more socially acceptable to forget). Bingo. First and last names.

When eating buffalo wings, the flat portions. You can detach the smaller bone on one end very easily, then twist it a bit and it will just slide out. You're now left with a big hunk of meat and only 1 bone, you can just bite it off into your mouth in one piece, flintstones-style.

Gently work an orange in your hands to loosen the peel from the fruit. This makes it easy enough to get the whole peel in one shot.

Can't find your car in a parking lot? hitting the lock button trying to get it to beep? Extend the distance of key-less entry by putting the key under your chin. The signal will resonate in your skull increasing the range dramatically. I swear to god this works, and I'm told it's safe because the radiation is non-ionizing.

If you get a ticket on the windshield of your car, you can potentially get away with parking illegally in the same lot for a few more days (or at least for the remainder of that day) by keeping the ticket on your windshield.

Most tinfoil and saran wrap boxes have little push-in tabs on the sides. If you push them in, the roll won't fall out when you try to rip out a sheet of it.

Keep a list of all of the credit card phone numbers (1-800) in your cell phone. This way, if your wallet is ever lost, you can call them immediately to have them disabled. It's also a good idea to place all of the cards in your wallet on a copier and print a page to keep at home. This will give you access to your License #, etc. Update: You should update 20. If you lose your wallet.. as in misplace it.. put a hold on your credit cards. Do NOT cancel. If you cancel it can later show up on your credit report. If you believe you are going to find it later, placing a hold saves you the red mark on your report.

If you are driving an unfamiliar car and you don't know which side the gas tank is on, just look at the little pump icon next to the gas gauge on the dashboard. The pump handle on the icon will be on the side of the tank. Update: saw the gas tank one on an older reddit, turns out the handle thing is not consistant. But there IS usually a little arrow next to the icon.

When you park, always reverse into the parking space. It is much easier to reverse into a confined space than into the a place where other people drive. You are also more alert. The chance of an accident is reduced dramatically.

to peel a boiled egg, roll it around on your plate for a while until all of the eggshell is cracked evenly. Then it's easy to remove the complete shell at once. After you boil eggs immediately place them in ice cold water for a few minutes. No vinegar or salt or oil or whatever people use. Shells slip right off

1st Date Cheat Code for MEN: Never tell a girl where youre going or how to dress. Instead, tell her to "dress for a first date with a guy she really likes". Now, pick three places you'd like to go: someplace fun and active (bowling, pool, mini golf, go-kart racing, ballgame, etc), something romantic and classy (nice restaurant, upscale lounge, art gallery opening) and something in between (nice bar, coffee shop, comedy club). Now, when you pick her up, let the way she's dressed decide which you’re going to do: If she's wearing something sexy and revealing (dress, high heels, low cut top, etc.) than she wants to go somewhere classy and romantic. If she's sporting some jeans, tennis shoes or flip-flops, and a tee, the bowling ally or pool hall may be a good bet. If she's wearing jeans, high heeled boots, and nice top or blouse, than she's not really jonesing for the super romance treatment, and she put in more effort than mini golf deserves (eighteen holes of mini golf in heels... seriously?), so a comedy club or some place with live music is a good choice. And never, EVER, do a movie on the first date! EDIT: Men: You're going to wear a pair of CLEAN, NEAT jeans, a pressed stylish LONG sleeve button down shirt, nice shoes or boots (try to avoid tennis shoes of sneakers). Works for ANY occasion!

If you have crushing chest pain, call 911 first. Then chew some aspirin. Seriously.

Shut the @#%@ up. Wait for the lawyer.

If you get brain freeze from eating something cold too quickly, press your tongue against the roof of your mouth as hard as you can. Voila, instant brainfreeze relief.

Socks are lube for pants. Seriously, if you put socks on first, putting pants on is easier, trust me, you can break your small toe easier than you think.

On most elevators, press "close door" and your floor number at the same time for express service. You will skip all floors between even if people are calling the elevator.

Secretaries, tech support and janitors are the true power in office buildings. Make friends, remember birthdays and you can get anything you need or go anywhere you need.

When you're giving a presentation, bring a bottle of water up to the podium. If you find yourself in a spot where you blank, taking a drink will allow you to gather your thoughts. Nobody will be the wiser.

When first dating a girl ask her for her phone number and have her write it down for you. Plug it in your cell, then put the paper with her number somewhere safe, like under your playstation 3 along with a SEPARATE piece of paper with the date she gave it to you on it, and your 6 month anniversary date.

On your 6 month anniversary (which you will know cause it's on the paper) but her a sentimental card, slide the piece of paper with her phone number in it, and write "I'm giving this back, I don't need it anymore."
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PostSubject: Re: Real life cheat codes.   Real life cheat codes. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 10:13 pm

um ok ?
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